Skoči na glavno vsebino

School in the past



Baron Jurij Vega



On 23rd March 1754 in Vehovec in Zagorica near Moravce Jurij Vega was born. He acquired his first school knowledge in parish house in Moravce. In parish house young Jurij could only learn to read and write and the basics of numbers. His curriculum was very likely conducted in Slovenian, for peasant children couldn’t speak any other language. It was only due to the good will of teachers in his time whether they spent more time with the most talented pupils and taught them also some German and Latin and thus enabeled them to go to high schools. Obviously Jurij was lucky to get such a teacher.
Later he continued with his education in Ljubljana. After his education he became an engineer of navigation. After four years he entered a military job in Austrian army. There he was much deserving for establishing Mathematics in various areas. He also published Mathematical school books. Vega’s mathematical work is especially known for his books of logarithm tables with which he gained worldwide recognition and they were used for a long time after his death. On mathematical books which were originally published in German, the author is written as Gerog Vega. Less known, but not less interesting are his scientific treatises.
Vega acquired a number of recognitions for his work. Jurij Vega was one of rare Slovenians who got to his own family coat of arms, but he is certainly the only one who deserved his coat of arms with his knowledge.



(C) Andreja Vavpetič & Zdenka Wicher

(Skupno 40 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)